| SPE Eastern Europe Subsurface Conference | 23-24 November 2021 | Kyiv, Ukraine |
1. | Carapaces of the Dnieper-Donets Basin as a New Exploration Target (Petrovska T., Petrovskyy O., Tsihovska O., Trachuk A.) | Завантажити |
 | 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition | 18-21 October 2021 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1. | Overturned Salt Roof Flaps in the Dnieper-Donets Basin – Hiding a New Giant? (Petrovkyy O., Petrovska T., Firman M., Fedchenko A., Tsihovska O., Borozdina A., Kostyk A.) | Завантажити |
 | Geoinformatics 2021 | 11-14 May 2021 | Online Event |
1. | Optimization of underground gas storages exploitation as result of time-lapse gravity measurements and 4d interpretation – case study of Dashava UGS (Petrovskyy O., Petrovska T., Trachuk A., Bojko R.) | Завантажити |
 | 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition |July 2020 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1. | Fold-Thrust Belt Exploration: How to Reduce Risks When Your Seismic Data Are Absent or Poor? (Petrovskyy O., Petrovska T., Firman M., Schturmak I.) | Завантажити |
 | 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition | 03 June 2019 | London, UK |
1. | Derisking of Lithological Pools Exploration by Introducing Gravity to Joint Inversion with Seismic and Well Data (Petrovskyy O., Petrovska T., Gafych I., Solodkyi I.) | Завантажити |
 | 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics - Theoretical and Applied Aspects | 13-16 May 2019 | Kyiv, Ukraine |
1. | Modified Gardner equation for evaluation of rock density basing on velocity data for Dnipro-Donets depression (Petrovskyy O., Petrovska T., Borozdina A., Firman M., Gafych I., Solodkyy I.) | Завантажити |
 | 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition | 11 June 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark |
1. | Subsalt 3-D Modelling and HC Reservoir Prediction with Scarce 2-D Seismic Datasets: Can We Obtain Reliable Results? (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Gangenko N., Benko V.) | Завантажити |
 | 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017 Fractured Basement Plays (Dedicated Session) | 12 June 2017 | Paris, France |
1. | Analogue Outcrops Study of the Weathered Crystalline Crust Benefits for Basement Reservoirs Exploration in Ukraine (Kitchka A., Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Kuzmanenko G., Solomyanyi A.) | Завантажити | 2. | Basement Reservoirs - Interpretation of Seismic, Gravity and Well Data in Single 3D Model as an Effective Tool to Decrease Exploration Risks (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Gangenko N.) | Завантажити | 3. | HC Reservoirs of Crystalline Basement - Decreasing Exploration Risks with Non-Seismics. Feasibility Study (Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O., Gangenko N., Khomin J.) | Завантажити |
 | AAPG Annual Conference & Exhebition | 02-05 April 2017 | Houston, USA |
1. | Geologically Driven Joint Inversion of Gravity, Seismic and Well Data: A Step Forward in Understanding of Geological Structure and Reducing E&P Risks (Poster Presentation) (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T.) | Завантажити | 2. | Subsalt 3-D Modelling and HC Reservoir Prediction With Scarce 2-D Seismic Datasets: Can We Obtain Reliable Results? (Poster Presentation) (Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O.) | Завантажити |
 | SEG International Exposition and 84th Annual Meeting | 26-31 October 2014 | Denver, USA |
1. | Gravitational monitoring for the exploitation of UGS – physical precondition, gravity anomalies and obstructive factors (Petrovskyy O., Trachuk A.) | Завантажити |
 | SEG International Exposition and 83rd Annual Meeting | 22-27 September 2013 | Houston, USA |
1. | 3D Geomodel of Obolon Astroblem, Ukraine, as a Key for Revealing New Exploration Plays (Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O., Anischenko Ju.) | Завантажити |
 | 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 |10-13 June 2013 | London, UK |
1. | Kambala Prospect - An Application of 3D Geomodelling and Inversion to Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Black Sea Basin (Petrovskyy O., Kitchka O., Fedchenko T., Gladun V.) | Завантажити | 2. | Obolon Astrobleme - An Application of 3D Geomodelling and Inversion to Hydrocarbon Exploration (Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O., Anischenko Ju., Zeikan O.) | Завантажити |
 | SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts | 2012 |
1. | New Prospective Plays Offshore Ukraine as result of 3D Geo-modeling & Geophysical Inversion (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Kitchka O.) | Завантажити |
 | 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011 | 23-26 May 2011| Vienna, Austria |
1. | Seismic, Gravity & Well Log Data Integration into 3D Model Gives an Impetus to Hydrocarbon Exploration, NE Ukraine (Fedchenko T., Onischuk O., Sujatinov V.,Kropivnitskyy J., Petrovskyy D., Tsoha O., Svistun V., Omelchenko V., Verpovskyy N., Zdorovenko M.) | Завантажити |
 | AAPG European Region Annual Conference "Exploration in the Black Sea and Caspian Regions" | 17-19 October 2010 | Kiev, Ukraine |
1. | New Insight at Oil and Gas Prospects and Geological Structure of the NW Black Sea Shelf by Integral Seismic and Gravimetric 3D Geo-Modelling (Fedchenko T., Krupskyy B., Gladun V., Chepil P.) | Завантажити | 2. | Theoretical bases for mapping oil-&-gas fields within Black Sea North-Western shelf by means of seismic-and-gravity modeling (Gablovskyy B., Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O., Gangenko N., Sujatinov V.) | Завантажити |
 | 71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition | 08-11 June 2009 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1. | An Integral 3D Geo-modeling Helps to Reveal New Exploration Trends - Case Study for the NW Black Sea Basin, Ukraine (Fedchenko T., Petrovskyy O., Gangenko N, Gablovskyy B., Zhuchenko G., Gladun V., Chepil P., Melnichuk P., Kitchka A., Tsiokha O., Koltsov S.) | Завантажити |
 | SEG International Conference on Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Caspian and Black Sea Regions | 8 October 2008 | Baku, Azerbajdgan |
1. | An Integral Geological and Geophysical Modeling Gives an Impetus to Expand Exploration Activity Offshore Ukraine (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Gangenko N, Gablovskyy B.) | Завантажити |
 | 70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC | 9 - 12 June 2008 | Rome, Italy |
1. | An Integrated 3D Seismic Analysis and Potential Fields Inversion Reveal a TBR Analog for the Dnieper-Donets basin (Petrovskyy O., Fedchenko T., Gangenko N., Kitchka A., Benko V., Oleksyuk V., Likhvan V.) | Завантажити |